The Ethiopian Academy of Sciences (EAS) is a nonprofit and non-governmental organization established to promote a culture of scientific inquiry and creativity and the pursuit of excellence and scholarship in the sciences among Ethiopians. EAS, which was established in 2010 with 49 Fellows, was recognized by Act-of-parliament in 2013 with Proclamation No. 783/2013. As of January 2017, EAS has a membership of 121 Fellows, 41 Associate Fellows and 1 Honorary Fellow, all who have made outstanding contribution to the expanding knowledge in their respective fields. Our Fellows contribute to realizing the vision of the Academy through six Working Groups by undertaking consensus studies, organizing conferences and workshops, recognizing excellence, and providing platforms where the scientific publications of Ethiopian scholars are made accessible to the public. Our Academy embraces the diverse disciplines of science and recognizes the irreplaceable role each play in developing innovation, creativity and enriching the quality of life for Ethiopians and hence has and continues to make a concerted effort to ensure that the diverse disciplines of sciences are, as much as possible, represented in the composition of our Fellows and Working Groups.
The Academy is committed to assist in the national development agenda and to advance the natural and cultural heritage of the nation. As an important partner to the government, it involves relevant government institutions, ministries, universities and other organizations in its effort to achieve its goals.
The Ethiopian Academy of Sciences aims to be a premium organization in the development of scientific culture and scholarship in Ethiopia, through which sustainable quality of life can be attained.
The Ethiopia Academy of Sciences strives to foster scientific culture and innovation and advance the knowledge of the sciences, arts and indigenous knowledge.
Core Values
Our core values are:
- Tolerance, respect for diversity and equality
- High ethical standards and impartiality
- Merit-based decisions and recommendations
- Intellectual integrity and originality
- Institutional independence
The main objectives of the Academy are:
- Stimulate the development of problem solving technologies and research, knowledge of applied sciences, social sciences, art, indigenous knowledge and innovative thinking that help to improve quality of life;
- Advise the government on science and socio-economic issues;
- Enhance scientific researches on areas of special importance with the active involvement of Ethiopian scholars from all disciplines;
- Create a network among Ethiopian scholars and science and art community around the world;
- Exalt the works of Ethiopian scholars for the world community;
- Create appropriate channels to disseminate major findings in all disciplines; and
- Sustain the active engagement and benefits of women and other underprivileged and marginalized groups in all scientific works.