Seminar held on Solar Energy ‘‘Conversion into Chemical Fuels’’

The seminar on ‘‘Solar Energy Conversion into Chemical Fuels’’ was organized by the Natural Sciences Working Group of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences.

The event was held both in-person at the College of Natural and Computational Sciences (CNCs), Addis Ababa University and online.

Professor Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, Associate Fellow of EAS, FRSC, Director at the Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS) and Institute for Physical Chemistry, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, A- 4040 Linz, Austria, delivered a presentation on the topic. The seminar was attended by Fellows of the Academy, colleagues and students from the CNCSs.

During his presentation, Prof. Serdar, discussed the important role of renewable energy in meeting the growing energy demands and achieving sustainability. He proposed ways to convert CO2 into chemical energy-carrying compounds or fuels such as methane and methanol using solar or wind energy. Prof. Serdar also highlighted the benefits of converting solar energy into fuel energy for industries, as it reduces environmental pollution.

Following questions raised by participants and feedback from the presenter, the seminar ended with the closing remark given by Prof. Teketel Yohannes, Executive Director of the EAS.