Ephrem Engidawork is a Professor of Pharmacology at Addis Ababa University. He obtained his PhD (2002) from University of Vienna, Austria. He served the AAU in different capacities, including Dean of School of Pharmacy, Department Head, Graduate Program Director, and Chief Executive Director of College of Health. He is Associate Editor of Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal and board member of Elsevier Plus and Tang Journals. He is the recipient of several research awards and adjunct faculty of Howard University, USA. He is a reviewer of several local and international journals, and recognized as Outstanding Reviewer of the year in 2014 by Journal of Ethnopharmacology. He was also awarded researcher of the year award in 2006 from the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association. He has initiated several international partnerships in teaching and research locally as well as internationally. He spearheaded, with other colleagues, the transformation and shaping of pharmacy education and practice in Ethiopia. He is member of various local and international professional associations. He has conducted and led several researches in collaboration with local and international partners and published in the area of neurosciences (Down’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease) and natural products (particularly Catha edulis, Khat).