EAS held its 8th General Assembly


The Ethiopian Academy of Sciences convened its 8th annual General Assembly on 9 November 2019 at the EAS headquarters. The highlights of the 8th General Assembly included induction of Fellows and Associate Fellows; approval of the annual performance of EAS; election of new Board Members; approval of annual budget and work plan; election of new Fellows and the annual induction lecture. Twenty-nine Fellows elected in 2018 were inducted. The meeting elected new Board Members for the next three years. The General Assembly approved the election of 20 Fellows out of which 13 are Fellows and 7 are Associate Fellows. The Agriculture Working Group presented 6 Fellows, the Engineering and Technology Working Group presented 1 Associate Fellow, the Health Working Group presented 3 Fellows and 2 Associate Fellows, the Natural Sciences Working Group presented 2 Fellows and 2 Associate Fellows while the Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group presented 2 Fellows and 2 Associate Fellows.


Following the tradition of an induction lecture by Fellows elected in the preceding year, this year’s induction lecture was given by an Associate Fellow, Dr. Dorothea McEwan, from the Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group on the topic “Abuna Salama III: A Painted Biography”.



Newly elected Board Members







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